Groupon Phishing Scam
We investigated the spam reduction efficacy of proactive throttling (aka traffic shaping) versus connection blocking using a reputable blacklist.
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SORBS is listing Amazon EC2's entire IP address space, causing major deliverability problems for Amazon EC2 customers.
We took a look at 9 million delivery attempts through one of our spam filters and compiled a list of the most common spam connection rejection messages.
Spammers appear to have changed their software so that it less often sends the QUIT command, as required by the RFC.
Techniques for solving the CPU load issues caused by encrypted spam are discussed.
There have been reports from the Asterisk open-source PBX community that spammers are attempting to gain access to Asterisk PBX through brute-force attacks.
All about TLS-encrypted spam: Part II
All about TLS-encrypted spam: Part 1
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