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The MailChannels Team Are Vegas-Bound for WHD.usa 2017

By Ciara Noonan | 2 minute read

Find the MailChannels team at Booth #42

September is almost upon us and that can only mean one thing in the web hosting world — WHD.usa!

The event begins Sunday, September 10th and runs until Tuesday, 12th. The weekend will see over a thousand industry leaders and innovators descend on Las Vegas’ Tropicana Hotel for a weekend of networking and discovery. With a little dancing in the mix, too!

The weekend will be jam-packed full of events you don’t want to miss, including the morning run down Las Vegas Boulevard; a talk by GoDaddy CEO, Blake Irving—who just last week announced his plans to step down—and a show by the rockers of the cloud, The Lords of Uptime. Read about these events and others here:

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MailChannels CEO and co-founder, Ken Simpson, will be on stage at main.FORUM at 4.20pm on Tuesday, 12th September. 

Despite being presumed dead, the humble email address continues to be the only dependable way of reaching every internet user. In this engaging talk, MailChannels founder and CEO, Ken Simpson, will expose how thoroughly the internet remains addicted to email, and why email still matters to hosting providers more than they might realize.

The MailChannels Team will also be bringing our brand new T-shirts to WHD.usa. For those of you who remember how popular our previous Botnets design was, we reckon these will be even more so! Make sure to pop by and grab one.

The MailChannels Team at WHD.usa 2017


Ken Simpson, CEO

mike.pngMike Smith, VP of Product and Engineering

Desmond Liao, Director of Marketing


Rico Gomez, VP of Sales

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Mandy Tang, Digital Marketing Specialist

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Max Brown, Business Development Repersentative

Photo by James Walsh on Unsplash

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