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Lost In Translation: Social Engineering Spam To Translate Documents

By David Cawley | 2 minute read

Earlier this week, I wrote a blog post regarding the spread of a Trojan in a mass mailing. It claimed to be fake credit card invoice to entice the recipient to open the attached file. The latest social engineering tactic used, is to convince us that it’s a document that requires translation.

The body of the message states that an attorney has asked that the document be translated and to be especially careful with page 2. A nice touch! As the majority of the recipients of this e-mail will not be translators, I can only assume that the goal is to exploit human curiosity. I’m sure quite a few people would assume the e-mail was accidentally sent to the wrong address and perhaps try and take a quick look at a confidential document. If they do they’ll have a nasty infection to deal with.

The messages use various Subject lines such as – Please Translate Document ASAP, Translated Document, Get the result ASAP Please, Job for You, Translate Document $150, New Job, I need this Document Tomorrow, 150$ Job, High Quality Translation and Your Job. An example message is shown here:

Subject: Please Translate Document ASAP

Good morning

I need this document translated, and the translation is to be of high quality.
The attorney asked me to be especially careful with page 2. As I need to
submit the document tomorrow, please have it checked and translated for me today.

I have deposited $150 to your credit card account that you gave me the last time.
Let me know if any questions occur.

P.S. The document is in the ZIP-compressed MS Word file attached to this message.
I look forward to getting the result ASAP.

Let’s keep in touch
Gordon Orozco

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