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How LetsHost Solved Blacklisting Challenges with MailChannels Cloud

By Ciara Noonan | 1 minute read

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LetsHost is a web hosting provider based in Ireland, with a long-established reputation in the hosting world. Their clients range from single-person entities to massive e-commerce ventures. Giving their customers a secure and reliable email delivery service is of the utmost importance to LetsHost.

Protecting their infrastructure from blacklists and maintaining a reputable IP network was proving complex and time-consuming, however.

Daragh MacLoughlin, Director at LetsHost, explained the issues saying: “Typically, the often legit user who had a compromised website had to have their account suspended. We would then need to cycle IPs used to send mail outbound, and this created a systems admin overhead as well as the overhead dealing with the hacked customer and the users calling to complain about NDRs (Non-Delivery Receipts). During this time, our helpdesk could get quite busy. In most cases, problems were caused wholly by a non-LetsHost customer or bad actor; explaining this to clients would often confuse and frustrate them.”

To read how LetsHost solved these issues with MailChannels Cloud, download the case study.


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